Tuesday, September 30, 2008

another day

went to lab early this morning ard 8am just to do my PCR-gel electrophoresis
y so early?

because this procedure needs about 3 and haf hour to fully complete..

while i'm running my gel..

Gabe : ooiii~ u 'ba juu' all the gel ar??
Me : wat!!? *was busy doing sumthing else*
Gabe : fine..fine......
Me : pls ar...i oni used 2 of it...others not mine....
Gabe : fine.................

*mm song each other*

however, we then ended up having brunch together *cis~*

because lab finished early, and some friends in Midvalley wanted to watch movie
plus Gabe membising-bising dunwan go home so early
so, we both went and join the others in Midvalley

watched "Painted Skin"
a movie that i never thought i will go cinema to watch....
i dont watch this kind of movie...no offense...just that...no feel....

well....i tot this movie is about WARS....
but not....
dunwan to be spoiler here...
go and watch urself if u r interested in this movie....
all i can say is......about LOVE...revolved alot about LOVE....

and ya....we heard a girl cried very loudly in the cinema....*sweat*
trust me...is very loud and it sounds like laughing in the 1st place, but after tat we heard she 'sok hei'.....*means cried till very hard to breath that kind*

i didnt cried...
but tears were accumulated in both of my eyes for some touching scenes.. *cant believe i was touched by the story* *shocked*

very sleepy...


Monday, September 29, 2008

Updated *

Yesterday lab coat was burnt ritE?

i didnt give 'him' up..
i sew it back....

looks not much different rite???


in fact....

ya....the colour of the copy-pasted cloth is not same with my lab coat..
how come 1st pic looks same?
"tang guong man taii pls~" (in cantonese)

my dad sumore suggested me to cut from my white Nichii's shorts..
i wont sacrifice my shorts for lab coat pls..although i love him


Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm sorry.....

I'm very very very sorry to u....
I didn't realised that i will hurt u...
I didn't know that u r so weak...physically

My dear...
i'm really very sorry.....
i dunno what can i do to make the hurt i caused to u recover

no matter how my friends told me to get a new one
i wont...

i only want u....

even though now u r not as good looking as 10mins b4..
i still....very very love u...
u have protected me from dangers...
u have kept me warm in the cooling temperature in lab...
u made me looks smart

You will alwiz be my ...LAB COAT

i didnt noe the temperature of the iron will burn u up...
i didnt noe that ur materials are so easy to burn up
i.........i cried for u....
im really sad for what had happen to u.....

i will still love u...
trust me...
i will make u good-looking back~



你选择了自己 wo~











Friday, September 26, 2008


Lab is now my second home...
Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri need to go there and carry out my dragon fruit experiment
my very naughty rotten White Dragon fruit didnt give me result on Monday, and it caused me to redo~ *bye*

today went to lab again...to extract rotten Red Dragon fruit..
while waiting for result, i saw Samuel in the lab too
He came over and asked if i got any ice
sure got ice la......im extracting DNA and im using alot of ice to keep the mortar and pestle cold and also to keep my PCR buffer, Taq Polymerase, Primer and DNA stock in cold.
Sure the lab got ice...
Thus, i brought him to the Ice producing machine at the corner of the lab
i gave him beberapa ketul ice and he was holding it with his bare hand

Me : wat u want to do with the ice? play with it aR?? *wondering y so childish wan him*
Sam : no lar! u see! my finger....very pain *showing me the middle finger pls*
Me : OH MY GOD~~~ *burst into laughter> i noe im evil*
Sam : Now, u saw me hurt u very happy izzit?
Me : oh...no la....dont like that thk me pls....although i got a little bit happy...*deng!!!!*

he actually kena 'kiap' by door pls....i forget what door he said edy...maybe its car's door..

now, i show u his finger~~~~~
*no offense pls*
Ta Da~~~

a close-up

saw?? the black green spot on the nail???
i thk tat part edy 'mati' pls....deng~~~~~~ *haha*

then, i take an icebox and filled with ice
and this is the ice box with his finger inside....

looks like no middle finger rite!?!??! rite?!? RITE???....


Sorry Sam...

May u faster recover~ ^^


Thursday, September 25, 2008


sometimes, we have to keep some secret
sometimes, not everything we need to tell people
sometimes, not everyone can listen to u
sometimes, u SHOULD just leave the story untold!

when its time for u to tell, u choose not to tell
when its the right thing to tell, u choose to keep quiet

I had enough!

Just leave me alone

I want the whole day without disturbance~ (many many many "whole day" i mean)

do not ask
do not question
do not misunderstand


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Amanda's 21st and PikYing's 22nd

went out in the morning to sing K lunch with him at Greenbox (Jusco Cheras Selatan)
he came to my hse ard 10am to print some stuffs and then we headed to Jusco..
he keep complained the sound systems not good *sweat*

Incident happen ****
i went out to take some fruits at the salad bar..
while i'm busy taking the watermelon, my left eye saw an auntie lowered herself and pick up something.. didnt think much, i continue to take more watermelon until i realised the thg she picked up was a rm50 note. Feel that the rm50 note looks familiar (the way it folded), thus, i checked my pocket to see whether my rm50 note still with me or not. !!!!. really..my rm50 note has gone! and im sure is the one the auntie holding. In the mean time, she, walked behind me and was looking at the salad bar. when i noticed she wanted to left the salad bar and head back to her room, i've stopped her and said " erm....i thk, the rm50 note is mine..."
Auntie : *blur-ing* ohhh.....urs ar?....hm...." handed it over to me

its not like i wan to accused she dunwan gv the money back to me
its jz tat after i dropped the note, very quickly she pick it up, but not gv it to me, yet looking at the salad and wanna walk back to room.. so watever...anyway, i get it back..


it was a celebration again~~~ *hooray~*
and it was a double celeb for Amanda + PikYing

Venue : Pavilion - Carlos Restaurant
Time : 6pm (meet at Aries's Hse)

when we reach front of the restaurant, we saw few dressed-up people berpose-ing~
and hence, we went over to take photo with them..

after take photos, me and him went walking in Pavilion as Sam+PikYing not arrived yet.
ard 7.40pm we back to Carlos and sit down to take some pic..

pretend to think something *in fact hungry-ing*

the service was so-so..or should i say...we were left "abandoned"?
anyway...the foods were nice

Ancestor of Swit Yee (nahh~ just kidding~ hahahaha)..Hester told me this... *walking away*

after finished up our foods..Tadaaaa~

J.Co donuts

2 dozens sumore...why??

becz of this lar~




a pyramid of donuts~ with candles~

and this is after it was lighten up... *nice~*

who came up with this donuts-cum-cake idea? ask Amanda... ^^

making wishes~

and i think they are thinking which donut to pick and eat...*haha*

cutting cake ceremony *sweat*

not to forget ..a group pic~

and another group pic with him inside~

he looks "forced" to take photo here...


he was very happy when the donuts-cum-cake in front of him pls~~ *walking away*

pose-ing with the donuts

loving the donuts till want to eat it all i think...

It was a nice outing..

p/s: Happy Birthday to Amanda + PikYing. May all your both wishes come true!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Outing with him...

Saturday (20/09/08)

asked him to come and pick me up to go Tesco buy dragon fruits for my fyp
on the other hand, he asked me if I can over9 at his cousin's sis house at Damansara..*sweat*
He wanted us to go 1U with his cousin's sister and the husband to watch movie and later at nite sing K..
didnt feel like abandon my works but yet also didnt feel like disappointing him..
thus, i went and asked my Mum's permission (to try if can then go, cannot then bye)
miraculous-ly, my Mum said "yes"...*clap*
thus, i went 1U with him and the cousin sis+husband

we reached ard 4pm and went to a vegetarian shop in 1U..
the deep-fried-prawn delicious wey~~~~ (but it's vegetarian la..means not real prawn pls)
after finish our 'late lunch', we went to GCS to buy movie tickets
They watched "Money still Not enough 2" while me and him watched "Black water", as we both we edy watched "Money still Not enough 2"

the day b4 (Friday nite) -conversation in MSn with Px...

Me : ei, izzit possible that US has already show the movie, but Malaysia, after 2 or 3 years oni the movie will be show in cinema?
PX : yes. like penelope. actually has been shown in US 2 or 3 years before, but now oni show in Malaysia.
Me : oh!!!! i'm downloading Black Water pls....it's coming soon in cinema.. *haha*
PX : dont download la! we go cinema watch together gether!
Me : *sweat* ...downloading edy lor....save money ma...*HAHA*
PX : cheh~~

BUT.....end up i watched it in cinema with him......*WAHAHAHAHA*

abit disappointed with "Black water" as i expect it to have more than 1 crocodile..
anyway, the croc in this movie very babi~!!!!!
very very very babi~cz it will purposely float and stares at u like showing off it has already got the victim!!!! *walking away...*

the lagi babi thing happen when the movie ends...which is, he saw his MMU's fren (who jz sit behind us........and he is also the one tat made me mm song cz kicked my seat when the movie started)
so, both of them chatted awhile in the cinema...

after the cousin sis+husband+husband's sister finished their movie,
5 of us went to sing K at..dunno what place is that.. (its not Neway nor Redbox)
but the style is same with Neway and Redbox wan..
we sing until 2am and then went to Mamak for supper (should be "late dinner"

then we back to cousin's sister house..
the home-design is kinda like my dream house..^^
simple yet class..
each room got their own bathroom (the bathroom is nicely design and wide)
i nearly thought myself staying in a hotel...
loving it~


woke up at 10+ am ..
get prepared and off we went to OLD town for brunch
it was raining heavily that the rain water can reach us (we sit inside lor pls- near the wall)
then we went to the husband's mother's apartment
its not her apartment, but 'their' apartment
as the apartment is used for them (buddhist) to stay and pray
He is a Catholic, but tat day he joined in to practise the prayers with them (as well as me)
around 5pm sumthing, we back to Kajang..

and ended up 'mm song' him for some matters... *hmph*


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy 22nd Alice+Jenn

Penny fetched me to her house...
while she was bathing...i played with Ah Girl..
well, again, she took photo albums out asked me to see...*sweat*
i have seen those albums b4....it brings alot of memories~ ^^

Girl +her barbie doll

Girl in batman's mask + Penny's brother

Girl grown up alot~ and she is thinner now
lose the baby face's fat alot~~~ I wonder if the mother bully her..*WAHAHAH* kidding~

met up Jenn+bf at Leisure Mall as we dont know the way to Look Out Point..
waited for Alice also..
around 10pm sumthg, we reached Look Out Point~


we choose Gasoline as our place

The Bf + Jenn

2 Birthday Girls (Alice + Jenn)

this is a MUST

after sing the Birthday song for them, its time for them to Make A Wish

they used not to close eyes when making wish, i guess.. *sweat*

cutting cakes ceremony

then the Bf suddenly suggested that the 2 birthday girls should do 'something'


Yes~! is gigit the candle out from the cake pls.. *walking away*

u can see Jenn's expression is totally mm song~ *HAHAHAH*

of cz,...Alice will join the 'game' unwillingly~

saw the candle? Alice biting it...while Jenn+Bf laugh-ed very happily~

very long time never take pic with both of them....*sobzz*

7 Dwarfs...missing 2

busy eating cake pls~

*May all your both wishes come true~ and may u both alwiz happy+Healthy!! *
Muackss~~~ love 7 Dwarfs !

U know u love me