Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Amanda's 21st and PikYing's 22nd

went out in the morning to sing K lunch with him at Greenbox (Jusco Cheras Selatan)
he came to my hse ard 10am to print some stuffs and then we headed to Jusco..
he keep complained the sound systems not good *sweat*

Incident happen ****
i went out to take some fruits at the salad bar..
while i'm busy taking the watermelon, my left eye saw an auntie lowered herself and pick up something.. didnt think much, i continue to take more watermelon until i realised the thg she picked up was a rm50 note. Feel that the rm50 note looks familiar (the way it folded), thus, i checked my pocket to see whether my rm50 note still with me or not. !!!!. rm50 note has gone! and im sure is the one the auntie holding. In the mean time, she, walked behind me and was looking at the salad bar. when i noticed she wanted to left the salad bar and head back to her room, i've stopped her and said " erm....i thk, the rm50 note is mine..."
Auntie : *blur-ing* ohhh.....urs ar?" handed it over to me

its not like i wan to accused she dunwan gv the money back to me
its jz tat after i dropped the note, very quickly she pick it up, but not gv it to me, yet looking at the salad and wanna walk back to room.. so watever...anyway, i get it back..


it was a celebration again~~~ *hooray~*
and it was a double celeb for Amanda + PikYing

Venue : Pavilion - Carlos Restaurant
Time : 6pm (meet at Aries's Hse)

when we reach front of the restaurant, we saw few dressed-up people berpose-ing~
and hence, we went over to take photo with them..

after take photos, me and him went walking in Pavilion as Sam+PikYing not arrived yet.
ard 7.40pm we back to Carlos and sit down to take some pic..

pretend to think something *in fact hungry-ing*

the service was so-so..or should i say...we were left "abandoned"?
anyway...the foods were nice

Ancestor of Swit Yee (nahh~ just kidding~ hahahaha)..Hester told me this... *walking away*

after finished up our foods..Tadaaaa~

J.Co donuts

2 dozens sumore...why??

becz of this lar~




a pyramid of donuts~ with candles~

and this is after it was lighten up... *nice~*

who came up with this donuts-cum-cake idea? ask Amanda... ^^

making wishes~

and i think they are thinking which donut to pick and eat...*haha*

cutting cake ceremony *sweat*

not to forget ..a group pic~

and another group pic with him inside~

he looks "forced" to take photo here...


he was very happy when the donuts-cum-cake in front of him pls~~ *walking away*

pose-ing with the donuts

loving the donuts till want to eat it all i think...

It was a nice outing..

p/s: Happy Birthday to Amanda + PikYing. May all your both wishes come true!


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