Monday, September 22, 2008

Outing with him...

Saturday (20/09/08)

asked him to come and pick me up to go Tesco buy dragon fruits for my fyp
on the other hand, he asked me if I can over9 at his cousin's sis house at Damansara..*sweat*
He wanted us to go 1U with his cousin's sister and the husband to watch movie and later at nite sing K..
didnt feel like abandon my works but yet also didnt feel like disappointing him..
thus, i went and asked my Mum's permission (to try if can then go, cannot then bye)
miraculous-ly, my Mum said "yes"...*clap*
thus, i went 1U with him and the cousin sis+husband

we reached ard 4pm and went to a vegetarian shop in 1U..
the deep-fried-prawn delicious wey~~~~ (but it's vegetarian la..means not real prawn pls)
after finish our 'late lunch', we went to GCS to buy movie tickets
They watched "Money still Not enough 2" while me and him watched "Black water", as we both we edy watched "Money still Not enough 2"

the day b4 (Friday nite) -conversation in MSn with Px...

Me : ei, izzit possible that US has already show the movie, but Malaysia, after 2 or 3 years oni the movie will be show in cinema?
PX : yes. like penelope. actually has been shown in US 2 or 3 years before, but now oni show in Malaysia.
Me : oh!!!! i'm downloading Black Water's coming soon in cinema.. *haha*
PX : dont download la! we go cinema watch together gether!
Me : *sweat* ...downloading edy money ma...*HAHA*
PX : cheh~~

BUT.....end up i watched it in cinema with him......*WAHAHAHAHA*

abit disappointed with "Black water" as i expect it to have more than 1 crocodile..
anyway, the croc in this movie very babi~!!!!!
very very very babi~cz it will purposely float and stares at u like showing off it has already got the victim!!!! *walking away...*

the lagi babi thing happen when the movie ends...which is, he saw his MMU's fren (who jz sit behind us........and he is also the one tat made me mm song cz kicked my seat when the movie started)
so, both of them chatted awhile in the cinema...

after the cousin sis+husband+husband's sister finished their movie,
5 of us went to sing K at..dunno what place is that.. (its not Neway nor Redbox)
but the style is same with Neway and Redbox wan..
we sing until 2am and then went to Mamak for supper (should be "late dinner"

then we back to cousin's sister house..
the home-design is kinda like my dream house..^^
simple yet class..
each room got their own bathroom (the bathroom is nicely design and wide)
i nearly thought myself staying in a hotel...
loving it~


woke up at 10+ am ..
get prepared and off we went to OLD town for brunch
it was raining heavily that the rain water can reach us (we sit inside lor pls- near the wall)
then we went to the husband's mother's apartment
its not her apartment, but 'their' apartment
as the apartment is used for them (buddhist) to stay and pray
He is a Catholic, but tat day he joined in to practise the prayers with them (as well as me)
around 5pm sumthing, we back to Kajang..

and ended up 'mm song' him for some matters... *hmph*


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