Saturday, August 2, 2008

PC fair + Sister's story

wake up by his sms this morning as early as around 9am
we went to PC fair...for the 1st time...(yeah..1st time lar..cannot ar?heh..)
oh my god~...alot of people ALOT!!! is even merrier than Malacca's Jonker Walk!!!
ok....he bought speakers, and i bought catridge for my printer...(in case finish)
thn we left and have our lunch at Cheras area...

Sister's story

This afternoon, when my sister was doing her bussiness in the toilet, she smells something burn and also saw smokes, hence she go and tell my mum about it. But Mum was busy with her Astro On Demand's drama, and just calm my sister by saying that " I thk the government sent people to spray the mosquitoes"
Sister cannot be calm down by that excuse and thus she went to the gate to check what's happening. Fire. Yes. She saw fire in the "forest" (situated near my house, beside Apple King Kindergarten, about 6-7 houses from us)
She quickly tell my Mum about this, and this Mum, panicked after saw the fire, quickly rush to the outside and alerted all the neighbors with her high volume voice.
Nvm...she called the BOMBA by dialling "999"
and rush to get the Estima car keys and drove her beloved Estima to park at Mommammia Cafe (located about 400-500m from my house) and walked back home.
Reached home, she searched for her cellphone and panicked again cz cant track her cellphone.
after the BomBa came and settled the fire, Mum went and drive Estima back here and found her cellphone in the car...*sweat*

My sister, laughing while telling me about this story...
she feels Mum over reacted after all (becz after the incident, Mum lost her voice...)no wonder she din speak alot jz now when i talked to her...
anyway, like what He said 'She is a good mother'
She just worried ...too worried...
((but y dont she fetch my brother and sister to the cafe instead of Estima?...*laughing* ))

Conclusion : WE are all save here....with half-burned "forest"


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