Friday, August 1, 2008

a " wrong" day to me

woke up around 8.45am this morning...
suppossed to be 8.30am, but, very sleep for another 15 mins..
forced myself to bath, forced myself to dress up and forced myself out to the car and to college
everythg went smoothly until after i passed Rm1 Saga Tol
saw many cars Q-ing up there...(traffic jam)*sigh*
annoyed by some of the motorist that forced themselves drive thru in between my car and the car beside me..and oso being annoyed by a Wira that trying to cut into my lane without signal light!
of cz "she" dont manage to do that, cz i dont allow her to!...
feel weird when i saw the motorist wearing SAGA uniform, patrolling in the highway
May texted me, complained bout massive jam at Connaught area
replied her that i was trapped too around Phoenix Plaza area
not long after that, i heard ambulance's siren from behind, panicked..
not wasting time, i drive my car stick to the right side which i almost can touch the divider
i saw the ambulance stop behind my car pls...*sweat*
what can i do? the car in front of me is not moving...
so, when the car in front of me move a little bit forward, i cut to the left lane and straightly headed to Connaught's junction, passing alot of slow-moving cars...(i dangerous sometimes...)
however, the massive jam did not end thr...but it is a new massive jam...
feel uneasy....i noe something is happening in front of there...
nothing else than accident...
but, just hope, it wont be a serious one...
i used the house area road to go to college...managed to reached at 10.20am
walked to class..May showed me the photo she took from Giant..
it was..terrible...
the photos below was taken from

if u can read chinese words, u can read the news from here
but if u cant, then read this

May the two people R.I.P...

went to meet him after class..
then, he drive me and his little brother to Midvalley...
1st time sit his new car...not the feeling of Estima
we watched The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

the movie is not bad....but I can hardly laugh out loud...*mood was not good after all*

on the way home...passed by Connaught, saw a flat van sticking on the roadside...
is one of the victim's car...

**Life is short...
short until that we might not realized when it comes to an end.
like what had happen in the accident..the motorist never know that its the last day of his life when he was preparing to go to work**

p/s: Pls, treasure ur life and also other people's one. Drive carefully, and safely...


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