Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Just now watched "They Kissed Again 2". Last time when i watched "It Started With a Kiss", i feel myself very stupid as this whole drama very 'wu liao' + no meaning but yet i FINISHED it..
The main actress, Xiang Qing, very blur + silly + funny...
The main actor, Zhi Shu, IQ 200, very cool, good-looking, and sometimes cold-blooded towards Xiang Qing.
at the last episode, they got married..

and here the story continue with "They Kissed Again 2"
i have alwiz teased my brother that he is very silly to watch such drama (he watched the drama on Astro XuangXing- every weekdays 7.30pm)
but very automatically i will watch with him (although i complained the drama is wasting time)
today, my tears drop becz of that drama...*sweat*
i've alwiz think that Zhi Shu dont loves Xiang Qing as much as Xiang Qing loves him
but, today, got one scene showed that actually, Zhi SHu very loves her too...
why cant he show it to her? y must he do something that seems to hurt her, but in fact is for her own good?
Love is simple rite?
why want to make it complicated?
He said before in the drama "The way i love u is not the same as the way u love me, but it doesn't means that i dont love u as much as u love me"
why want to be different way??

Someone said "if i want to find someone that have the same characteristics with me to be my gf, then what for i want a gf for? why dont i just love myself?"


I thought, couples are made from two human beings that have the same characteristics, and thus, they can live happily together as there wont be any argument or unsatisfied.


Its not that i dont agree with the 'someone'..

but, it just made me feel, love is COMPLICATED

maybe...maybe i have watched too much drama dy...

Hopes and Reality are being separated by a line...
and this line that decides whether Hopes can become Reality or become just a dream..
i wish that my hopes will become reality someday...

i need some changes~~~~~~~~~~~~


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