Thursday, September 11, 2008

Silly me~~

Yesterday i was worrying about today's lab due to some misunderstanding...

During lab...**

WJ : ei...wrong la!! we should discard the flow-through!!
SP: har????...which one which one??
Me : Lang jing pls.........(in fact very gan jeongggggg)


SP : ei, y so little solution one? Just now one i can invert, now, not enuff solution to invert oso...
Me : huh? havent add the 2nd solution ma.....
SP : oh....*take the same tube to me*
Me : ei, i edy fill this tube with the XX solution ler...
SP : no no...u oni fill in this tube *pointing my tube*
Me : ya..i filled in my tube edy, then ur tube as well ma....*sweat*
SP : no...u oni filled in ur tube
Me : but i remember i filled in the same solution TWICE.....
SP : no...once oni....and its ur tube...
Me : no pls..TWICE..urs and mine......

bla bla bla goes on....

Ms Phoon (my supervisor) came into our conversation

MsPhoon : what happen?

we both explain explained....argue-argue-ed...

Ms Phoon : aiya..nvm la....4ul oni difference... and actually should add this ZZ solution 4ul not XX solution 4ul..*sweat*

as a result....

Lab --> everythg went smoothly until tmr check result..

Then, after lab..went to his aunt's hse..
wanted me to see him rehearsal for his FYP presentation
after that, he said help me to do the "box"

"Box" = box with column to put my experiment's eppendorf tubes (results)

He was busy calculating the space and the length of the papers should be..
while i was busy looking at his serious-doing-something face...

after cutting into 14 pieces,

He : so, now means the distance between two paper is 1.5cm
Me : *thking that 1.5cm too big edy...* eh eh...changed to 1.4cm la..
He : y?
Me : smaller ma.....ok? ok?? OK???
He : k...

after many many minutes.....after he has tried his best to put the papers all in oder...

He suddenly realised, there is a missed column...

end up...

my column box...

saw the gap??? (the right side)

the column should be fully occupied the box..means no gap...should be 'ngam ngam hou'

*mm song pls*

He : y like this one ar?
Me : ur FAULT laaaaaaaaa
He : no ar..i calculated edy should be ok wan...Ya wor!!! u changed to 1.4cm jz now!!!
Me : what? tat makes no difference ok? jz EXTRA one column maaa....
He : thats y lar !!!
Me : *blur-ing*

>>his fault pls cz never stop me changed to 1.4cm... *walking away*


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