Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Outing with him...


He texted me saying that coming over to pick me..
but i was slow at preparing myself.. *alwiz*
so, made him waited me awhile downstairs while i went take in dry clothes..and dress myself up..
I tot it will be a dating between me and him...but suddenly, he brought along his little brother..
we went to Jusco as he wants to leave Timessquare for Saturday
watched "You Don't Mess with Zohan"


this movie is very very babi~~

talks bout cock alot~ (but xxx scenes have been filtered)

is very babi until i cant laugh...(do u thk very babi now?.......fine)

well, dont feel like elaborate much on Friday as ...erm....dunwan elaborate...



went Timessquare with him...
he wanted to buy tie and belt..

and we watched "Babylon A.D"

this movie not bad..
need to use ur brain to think why this happen..and etc..
and he keep say
" U cant recognize this man meh??? he very yeng one...my idol...u cant recognize??? "

Sorry my dear...i really cant recognize him... =.=

in fact I never pay attention to this movie b4 until he said he want to watch..
and, I saw Michelle Yeoh playing one of the role in the movie.. ^^
( really not bad this movie..can watch ^^)

after movie, we went to Metrojaya seacrh for his tie and belt..
this fella, is really very super "yim zim"
hm.. at last he chooses 3 ties and the sales girl has already wrote a receipt for it
then he went to try belts... and suddenly, regretted bout choosing the 3 ties..
cz, he jz want a tie, instead of 3... =.=
so, we asked the other sales girl if we could cancel the receipt and write a new one.. *heh...*
finally, he got a belt and a tie pls...

then we went to oh..i forgot the name of the restaurant...(located beside OldTown)
the foods were so-so oni lor~
we ordered a Baked Cheese Rice with Sliced Beef, La Mian with Fried Prawn Wan Tan in Indian Curry Sauce, Mango Sago and Ying Yong

the Baked Cheese Rice lose to Kim Gary one lor...
the La Mian, still okay lar....
Mango Sago, okay oso..
Ying Yong, i memang dont like...so no comment..

Then i went into Nichii and pick a jeans, a tee and a shorts to try on

Me : *coming our from fitting room happily* ei, u thk i buy this jeans ok ma?
Him : *huh?* this jeans? i thk u got one same colour with this one
Me : *mm song* got meh???
Him : got ler...dont buy this la...later u will regret
Me : I where got jeans this kind of colour one............................................................
Him : got..believe me..i saw u wear before
Me : *fatt lan ja...put the jeans on one of the hanger and walked out of Nichii* dunwan buy dunwan buy la...............
Him : *follow behind me* dont angry la...ok la ok la..u want buy then buy la...but if u go home saw same colour u dont regret o..
Me : *denggggggggggggggggggggg* *walked back into Nichii

saw two sales girls standing there holding the jeans and gossip-ing bout us *i guess*
i walked over and grab the jeans from her and smile and walked away
looking around for other jeans..
and finally, i bought the 2nd jeans that i tried..(which is not the one that he said same colour with one of my jeans at home)

reached home, realised...i really got one kinda same colour jeans as the one I 1st tried in Nichii

*The moral of the story*
>> Listen to guys...sometimes..<<


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