Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Tanglung Festival~~~

this year celebrated Mooncake Festival at his aunt's hse..
well..didnt thought of celebrating, but he bought lanterns and candles dy...
so, i just sit down and join...and busy easting peanuts...*heee*

yes...u can c my hands are "kopek-ing" the peanuts~ while the brother busy-ing with the lantern

these were all lighten up by him...

he was so busy changing candles for lanterns that run out of candle..
was wondering whether he is the one playing or the brother *haha*
cz the brother was busy "lighten up" the newspapers ...*sweat*

incident happen ***

suddenly we saw a lantern hanging from the roof on fire!
He asked his brother to take it down and put away the fire
very quickly the brother run towards the lantern and all of sudden.....he slipped and fell down!!!
at the very same second, the lantern fell down and just landed in between the brother's legs!!!!
luckily both his legs were open wide *phew*
or else the lantern will burn his pants....*i cant imagine what will happen next*
on the other side, He keep laughing at the brother that the lantern nearly BBQ his small 'brother'


Happy Mooncake Festival~~~!!!!!

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