Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gossip girls~

hahaa...not the series Gossip Girls la~

well, texted PennyK and Yinng bout tea session at 7pm

sms content to PennyK " Baby, wan yam cha to9? As a stress release for me, got exam next week..."
As usual, she accepted my request. *Thanx Baby!!!muackssss*

called Yinng, " Hello, where are u? want yam cha to9? oldtown probably..."

Yinng : WHAT?! I CAN HARDLY HEAR U~~~~~~
Me : to9, yam cha~~old town...O MM OKAY?
Yinng : mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
Me : call u back later

*hang up....*

called again

Me : ui~~~~~~ yam cha...to9!! old town~~ me and penny...7pm
Yinng : oh..y just now so low the voice?~
Me : blaaa...blaa.....*cut the crap*

Penny came to fetch me as my dad havent come back...but he came back few minutes be4 Penny reached my house...WAHAHHAHAHAH
ok...well, we both chatted alot...(since Yinng havent arrived...kakakaka)
Yinng said need to 'Patt faan' so abit late wor....
dont understand wat I mean by 'Patt Fann'? Me too pls~ ^^ forget it bah~

I brought my Lappy along with me as requested by Yinng..
so, we on9 there, checking photos....gossip-ed...*giggling* well, that is what all girls did rite?
n ya, we took some silly pics....*sweat*

me pretending looking at the laptop (in fact it was OFF pls)

what? cannot pretend lar now?


forced to take this by Penny *hmph*

what happen to her? *ish~*


nah nah nah..what is the finger trying to do???? =.=

*sweat betul*

Thanx for 'puii happ' me ya~ *hahaha*

finish our silly pose, we back to chit-chatting again...
not long after, SL came and join us.. and she managed to help Yinng's laptop to on9!!!Before that, her laptop cannot on9 in Oldtown..dont noe what happen, and she is 'mm song' i can say.
AND, she blamed me for not helping her yet pretending to noe how to fix...*sweat* (hmph~)

Around 10.15pm we left due to wanna-pee Me and wanna-go-home Penny...^^

Well, till we meet again next time bah Buddies~

Thanx for coming out to9!!!

Love ya alotsssss~~ muaccksssss !

You know u love me


|!_*Cherloyy*_!| said...

ding dong.. waahahaha!!
i look like an ugly coa tat day. but thank god u din post the one i look like pig. ahhaha!! yes i am mm song coz the lappy prob. hahaha! thanks to sl la. hahahaa! n i was jk onli k.. hahah! bout u din fix my lappy. hahaha! anyways i have to change back my ip add coz i cant on9 using wireless at home. ahahah! cu la! and GOOD LUCK!

Fayeyin said...
