Friday, August 8, 2008

an early 'surprised' again

was dreaming...something about foods i thk...
woke up blurly ard 10am and off my air-cond...and continue to sleep...*hee*
back to dreaming again....
suddenly, someone knocked my door...*doesnt sounds like my mum becz she wont knock so hard*
wearing DRESS-kind pyjamas this time...
walking like zombie to the door...slowly open the door...

saw him pls!!!!
not again......................................................................
last time edy let him c me in my pyjamas....
this time come again!?
and yes,...i closed the door again....and again, open back...cis~~
this time more worse...y? i was wearing pyjamas + retainer + my front tooth are covered with GREENISH thing (chinese medicine powder for ulcer mouth)....=.=
i feel that he likes to saw me in 'bad condition'.......

he saw me vomit b4 after i played the roller coaster in TimesSquare
he heard and saw me cried after i got scolded from my parents
he knew that my jeans was wet becz of my clumsy act in the toilet in Midvalley
he hold me when many times i nearly fell down
he saw my just-wake-up face be4...and many many more that i cant remember

well, this time he came to my house becz he wanted to print things and also bring me out for movie. I feel that he quite good in the way that he didnt scold me or angry me like what i did to him. Why i said so? Becz he called and sms-ed me before he came to my house but i didnt reply (sleeping pls)..Last time, when i called and sms-ed him but he didnt respond, i scolded him and angry until my 气 went off... *sweat*

we went to Timessquare to watch "Meet Dave"

this movie is hilarious!!!! can watch pls!!!!! *especially those who are stressing recently*
when Eddie Murphy introduced his name, damn funny!!! Ming Chang~~ Dave Ming Chang!!! deng~~~~~

k la...tired

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