Saturday, August 30, 2008

2nd part of Pangkor trip...

jeng jeng jeng....

we saw lizard and dead crab pls...


*dead crab*

we then drive to Kota Belanda..the place quite disappoint me as i tot it would looks big and wide and historical...but, its jz very air place...*no offence*

very fast we changed place to the Kuan Yin Temple (izzit? i forgot edy..)

Hes spotted a big turtle statue...and both of us take turns to take photo with it..

before me and Sam take this photo, itu Sam nearly break off the blue..flamingo? i dunno what is tat creature la....both of its legs are not stable edy one...=.=

becz of I too bising about wan to go beach, thus, we went back our chalet and changed to swim suit...and YEAY~~~~ there we go....the BEACH~~~~

and we played the "jumping" pose in the seawater~~~

u can c...we very failed at it in the seawater~ =.=

Me and Hes then draw this Big LOVE with our name in it...

spotted a "buaian" ....

becz the high concentration of salt in the seawater...4 of us went dehydrated and feels hungry~
so, we decided to grab something to eat b4 we go to the swimming pool...(yes..swimming pool again..)

*cendui* (named by Sam & PikYing instead of "cendol"). There were pulut inside..NICE~



*Swimming pool*

becz of i edy abit pro of swimming, i changed my target to learn how to sit in the swimming pool, how to dive deep and swim...and....end up, i drank about 1 liter of water..(no la~~~~ HAHAHAH)

what happen?
y am i in such condition?? ( i heard sumthing on the floor pls....OF COZ not la...)
not going to declare about this here..anyway....i was named as SeaLion for this...*walking away*

while on the way back chalet, i saw this!!!!
i tot this kind of birds oni can be found in Sarawak??

while waiting for my turn to take bath...

after bath...

hou ming hin sot edy....

to be continue....*again*


Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm back!!!!!!

I'm back!

oh..went to Pulau Pangkor on Tuesday and back in this evening (Thursday) with Hester, Sam and PikYing. At 1st Amanda is going too, but she ffk-ed us in the Tuesday morning, giving us reason that she's having gastric pain (haha..oklar..she really not feeling well..)

well, i take KTM to Midvalley and waited for Hes to pick me up...
we then went to McD, which located near Pudu.
the bus take about 4 hours to reach Pangkor...(*sweat* my butt sit till flatted...HAHAHA)

1st day (in Pangkor)
well, when we reached Pangkor, we get the rented car and drive all the way passed 'Chau Ming San' (the name given by Sam) to Nipah Bay...
bring all our luggage to the chalet and take out every foods that we bought.

not wasting time, we drive all the way to SeaView just to swim in the swimming pool (babi betul! got beach dunwan go, but go swimming pool...*sweat*)
HAHAH...its becz we want to leave BEACH for 2nd day~~~

i drank quite alot of chlorine water as three of them keep bullied me *hmph*
(noler...hahaahahaha...they were teaching me how to swim only...)

At night we planned to eat ikan bakar but end up eat not-very-nice-seafoods
The RESTAURANT COCO Seafood memang babi! It was written "Ikan Bakar" on their board but yet the 'lan ci' lady tell me no ikan bakar *clap*
so, very unwillingly we ordered seafood (cz we tot eating seafood on the 2nd day at Restaurant Ye Lin)

After dinner, they brought me to Seaview's beachside to see the 'blue-shining' sands..

saw??? really shine wan lor the sand!!! blue colour sumore!!!!

the 'blue-dot' is just one of the butir pasir...
then, we went back to our chalet and creepy things happened!
our chalet has no light at all...DARK!
we tot the owner of chalet so bad till cut off our lights cz we didnt off air-cond and lights
but they also have no idea why our chalet has no electric
we have no other choice but change chalet...
luckily, we changed to a bigger and better one ^^
but, still 4 of us sleep on a queen size bed...y? becz none of us dare to sleep in the other room inside our chalet which got a double decker bed... *sweat*
dont ask y...we jz scared~~ esp me and Sam....*hmph*

2nd day (in Pangkor)

woke up early in the morning and we off to Seaview again...
Sam wan to take photo at the beach there...
before that, we stopped at a place in the "Chau Ming San" to take photo

then, we went to the beach....



Sam & PikYing

then I suggested we take some *jumping* photo~ ^^
and guess what? they very 'pui happ' with me pls....HAHAHAHAHA



hm....I personally very like this photo

to be continue..............



Monday, August 25, 2008

last exam + SummerConcert

Last Thursday was my last exam in UCSI as next semester onwards, I only have FYP to take.
After the CTC (killing paper), I waited with May to see where 'they' wan to eat for dinner.
Well, our class had planned to have an after-exam-dinner, but the place was not announced yet
So, while waiting i called him as he called me twice using his aunt's hse phone.

Me : I jz finish my exam..y called me jz now?
Him : lar...then what r u doing now? come my house, we go dinner..
Me : har? i cant wor..already dated with my classmates they all...
Him : u dunwan to have dinner with me la?
Me : time bah........y u sudden come back one..i tot u oni back on Fri?
Him : no class, came back lor.....
Me : K la...i gtg.....Bye..

after hang up, I felt guilty inside of me...
I should have agree to have dinner with him...
I should jz leave my classmates since they haven't decide where to eat...
But..yet I really want to have dinner with them cz it will be alot of people....and...this consider is like 'gathering' for us as next semester we wont be able to gather so many of the same classmates again..
well...i called him again..

Me : where are u? doing wat?
Him : being a 'silly' person now...
Me : huh???
Him : ya lar...people purposely come back early...then bathed...waited for ur call...and waited u to come over then we go to have dinner.......
Me : *lagi guilty..* hmm.....then, i come now la...
Him : ur frens leh?
Me : dunno them la..havent decide where to eat...
Him : hm...u c where they want to eat then we join la?
Me : huh? really? u want to join? * sounds happy abit..jz now 'down down dei' one lor'
Him : ya...u come my house now, then i fetch u go meet them..then we eat together...
Me : OK!!!!

so, i left my bunch of frens...let them to decide and i went back Kajang meet him, and then he drive his car to fetch me to Cheras again...*sweat* y so mafan? ask him la..... *walking away*


so, we went to Pulau Ketam eat Steamboat..
3 big round tables was so 'meriah'!!!
even 'sleep god' oso there....*wowwww*

> sleep god : a guy who alwiz nap in class <
it was a candid but i was prepared to snap a photo...*yeay*

Later on, another very candid class photo....

as usual, he cope and communicate very well with my frens....*sweat*
they looks more close to him than me...whole nite, i eat more than talking... but yet, i dont feel the full in my stomach....*denggggggggggggg*

After dinner, they went to watch movie, whereas me and him went to Shin's hse...
we helped in 'lipat-ing' the 'gold paper'


woke up late...reached Lab at 11am when I was supposed to reach at 10am...
*cut the crap*

afternoon, ard 2pm, he came my house and we headed to Malacca~
oh ya, he got tics for the SUmmer Concert..and since i wanted to c my 'husband' a.k.a Xiao Zhu so much, i decided to give up my ex-classmates reunion...*im no good...i noe...LoL*


it was raining at 1st and i was damn mm song...
tot of leaving to eat Satay Celup since its raining, but then the brother and gf dunwan to leave..
so me and him jz berpandai-pandai go under people's umbrella....*babi betul*

the Stage...


and very clever-ly the rain stop when the concert starts!!!!
and my Xiao Zhu came out before 10pm~~~~~
* oh..becz itu sui yan said leave at 10pm...*

my Xiao Zhu~~~~~xoxoxo

He helped me to record down the whole 1st song sing by Xiao Zhu that nite...
so 'gam dungggggg' him so so so much~~~~~~~~~~

and when he recording the 2nd song, my camera mm song edy....terus show "Not enough memory space" *clap*

after deleted some pics, i snapped photo of myself and him, instead of singers after Xiao Zhu...*hahahahahah*


Him + Me

yes... asked him to -berpose-...*hahaha* means we didnt leave after 10pm due to gf' of brother finding the cousin brother...
i oso dunno what happen, but i noe sumthg 'not happy' happen in between them...
at the same time, i very very the Happy+high~ *muahahaha~*
i remembered when Xiao Zhu came out that time, i was so happy till i jumping on the ground and high like nobody business and i saw a lady looking at me, hak chan-ed by me fah~ *HAHAH*

the day doesnt end there...
after he sent his brother home ard 11.15pm, he brought me to the nearest Satay Celup!!! ^^

Thanks to him very much for these few days~~~



Friday, August 22, 2008

Stay Bestie...

well, alot of things had happened recently..
many had changed
but, i realised, 'Friendship' doesn't change..

Im not going to declare here about what had happened..

anyway, stay tough my dear!
u are not alone...
u still have us...

People used to say " People 'leave' the world is for good. They went to a far better place"
I believe in this sometimes...
and I believe this is what will happen to "Her"
"She" was a good mother...
"She" was a friendly aunt...

*we will miss u....and i will remember u....(ur smile when everytime u saw me)
Sorry for did not pay a visit during this year CNY.. (I regretted for that..really...)

To my bestie,
Please take good care of yourself...

....Stay tough.....

Sunday, August 17, 2008

random sisters' stoopid pics....

me and my sister eat Dragon fruits...
end up, both our lips are very reddish purple...
so, i decided to take some 'babi' pics...^^
